Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lucia Bella-our homebirth story

Well, Lucia finally decided it was time to join the family....and she wasn't wasting any time! Monday was a long, draining day for me, so I went to bed around 9:30pm. I was a little crampy the whole night, but nothing major, and slept fairly well. Then at 5am I woke up from a dream with an intense contraction. Then another came 2 minutes later....and another and another. We called the midwife at 5:15 to tell her they were coming pretty quickly, because she has an hour drive. Now keep in mind, Sophia and Jude were both about 8hr labors. All of the sudden the contractions were one on top of the other, and I knew I was in transition. I got out of the tub and to the bed, and told Frank she was coming. He tried to reassure me that she wasn't....and I quickly informed him I knew what a baby in the birth canal feels like! She was born at 5:53am, caught by her daddy before the midwife arrived! We are both recovering wonderfully, and are happy to be taken care of by daddy :) Lucia Bella Cardinale: 7lbs 11oz, 20.5". XOs!!


PCJ said...

Wow!!! That's amazing! Nice work Frank. I would say it's a good thing you were planning a homebirth-- sounds like she was going to make that happen anyway. Congratulations. She's wonderful.


That's amazingly wonderful!!! Congrats on your beautiful family:)

Sweet Blessings said...

Wow! I can totally relate! This is how my last child was born 8 months ago-lol! Daddy caught her and all-labor top 45 min from start to finish. If it were only so easy every time! Blessings and warm hugs to welcome your new ity-bity:)